Ms. Hanratty
Hello everyone.Hope you are all keeping very well.It`s very important to play outside these days.The weather is glorious at the moment so get out and enjoy it.
Here is a simple art idea to do at home.It is called Panda Potato Print Art.First wash and dry your potato.An adult will cut it in half.An adult could put it on a fork for you too.Next,you paint the flat surface of your potato white.Next,start stamping the face shape onto a coloured A3 or A4 page.Leave to dry.Then,an adult can cut little circular shapes from the potato .These can be painted in black and used to stamp eyes onto your pandas.Next add ears and mouth and nose to each panda face.You could use cotton buds to add ears,nose and mouth to each panda face ,if you wish.
You could also use your potato to stamp flower heads on to a page and use cotton buds to add petals and stems to your flowers.
This week 1st class will be doing Operation Maths ,chapter 42,pages 108-113.
Page 108-109
Please encourage your child to use cubes to do these sums.Your child could also use a 100 square to complete these sums.
Page110 and page 111
Use cubes to do these sums.A 100 square would also be helpful.
Your child might find these sums easier to do if they were written downwards as in exercise D page 110.Remember to put T and U (tens and units)on top of each sum.
Page 112 and 113.
Again ,these sums could be written downwards ,for example,
1 9
-0 2
It is important to remind your child that he/she must always start with the units.Also,remind your child to start at the top of the units,for example ,
9 take away 2 is
Then go to the tens side and say 1 take away 0 is
Page 113.
B:Remind children to always look at the sign before doing the sum.
C:Please discuss each problem orally with your child.
Blue box at bottom of page-your child could use a 100 square to help him/her fill in the correct numbers.
Tables-Revision of plus 5.
Master Your Maths-Please continue as usual with your work in this book.
first class pupils are working on chapter 5b in their Starlight books-Waiter,there`s a dog in my Soup,pages 42-45.
Read the poem by Kenn Nesbitt three times with your child.Ask questions on the poem -Do you like this poem?Would you like it if there was a fly/wasp in your soup?
Discuss the focus word.Put them into sentences(orally).
Page 43
A:Answer the questions-use full stops,capital letters and full sentences.Or,your child can answer these questions orally.
B:Circle the word.Please go over this section before your child chooses the most suitable word for each sentence.
Page 44.
A and B:Explain to your child the difference,two and too.Go over the exercises orally before your child writes the answers down.
Page 45.
Please explain to your child what a cinquain is,before your child writes a cinquain about an animal/their favourite person.
Pupils can compose more cinquains-use your own ideas or use the ideas in the blue box,at the bottom of page 45.
Pupils can also write their daily news/diary.Remind your child to use full stops,capital letters and full,short,sentences.
this week pupils will do the chapter 6b-Recipe for Chocolate Brownies.
Please read the recipe for chocolate brownies three times with your child.Please ask questions about the recipe.For example,where were brownies invented?What other ingredients might you add to this recipe?When might you eat chocolate brownies?
Please explain the focus words to your child.Each focus word could be put into a sentence.
Page 51.
A:Comprehension questions.
Please ensure your child answers the questions using full stops,capital letters and full sentences.
Please go over this section orally before your child writes it down.
C:Complete the crossword.
Page 52.
A:Before completing A,go over the information in the blue box,this explains the difference between were and where?
B:Again,please go over the explanation of the word has and have before your child completes B.
Page 53.
Your child must write a procedure for making rice krispie buns.If you have time,your child could make rice krispie buns for everyone in the family,after writing down the procedure on page 53.
Spellings for this week are as follows-week 26-Spellbound.
Pupils can do the exercises in Spellbound -week 26.
If you don`t have the book or you have the exercises completed,you could write two sentences for each spelling.
Free writing
Three days this week your child could write a piece of free writing (approximately seven sentences),on the following topics-
My Friend.
My Home.
My Pet.If you don`t have a pet ,you could write about a pet your grandparent/auntie/uncle /friend has.
Pick one topic Monday and write seven sentences about it.
Pick another topic Tueasday and write seven sentences on it and pick the last topic for the week and write seven sentences on it.
Children-remember-read as much as you can while you are off school.
2ND CLASS MATHS.27/04/2020.
This week the children will be doing Operation Maths-At School Book-chapters 42 and 43,pages 120-123.
Pages 120-123.
Pupils can fill in the 100square and answer the related questions.
Page 121.
A:Pupils fill in the number lines.
B:A parent fills in the centre boxes and the child fills in the remaining boxes.
Page 122 and 123.
Both pages are based on revision of topics.
Tables-Plus 5.
Please log into theschoolhub website to access the great tables challenge game to help you learn your tables.
Parents,informally,it would be great if you had a clock to ask your child the time.Stick to analogue time first and if your child is confident ,go to digital time.We do the time everyday in school.If your child cold make a clocjk from a paper plate-that would be very beneficial.
Ask your child what is the half of 6/10/12/14/16/18/20/24 etc..
Pupils should continue their work on -Master Your Maths,daily.
3RD CLASS MATHS 27/04/2020
This week the children are doing chapter 13-3d objects ,page 98 to 101.
This chapter requires a lot of discussion around 3d objects.
Page 98,no.1
Please discuss the picture with your child and answer the questions orally.
Page 98,no.2
Please discuss the pictures of the square pyramid and the triangular prism.
Page 99,no.3
Use matchsticks and blu-tack to construct the shapes.
Your child could aklso use straws and lego to construct 3d objects.
Page 99,no.4
Maths Around Us.Your child must identify 3d shapes in his/her home.
Please explain the information in the yellow box to your child-Properties of 3-D objects.
Page 100
no.2:identify the missing numbers.
no.3:sort the shapes into three sets based on properties of your choice.Draw the shapes in the three different sets.
no.4:Instead of looking around your classroom-look around your home.
Page 101
Nets-do your best to draw the nets.
no.1:fill in the names of these shapes these nets make.
Work it out-sort the items in the trolley according to their properties.
Pupils should continue their work on -Master Your Maths.
Tables x5.Log on to the website to get access to The Great Tables Challenge.
Parents,your child could continue practising how to tell the time.We do this everyday at school.You could start with ananlogue time.Your child could makr a clock from a paper plate to help them tell the time confidently.
The spellings for this week are as follows-week26.
Pupils should complete the exercises related to these spellings.
If you don`t have your spelling book at home,you could write two sentences for each spelling.
This week the children will do chapter 11b-Billy Beast,page128-133.
Please read the story,Billy Beast,with your child three times.Ask your child questions realted to the text.Explain any difficult words like-concerned,disgusting,gathering,stammered,snorted,snout,dismay,sloppy,suggested,diet and dismay.
Page 131.
A:Comprehension-Fact Finding.Answer questions orally first with your child.
B:Comprehension-Read Between The Lines.
Please answer the questions orally first with your child.Encourage your child to use capital letters,full stops and full sentences in answers.
C:vocabulary:choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.Please discuss the sentence before your child writes the answers down.
Page 132.
Choose the most suitable word to complete each sentence.Ensure your child understands each word before he/she completes the sentences.
E:grammer.Thesaurus skills.
Please raed the information that is in the green box with your child.
You will need a thesaurus to complete the exercise in the box.
If you don`t have one in your house,you could use the following website to access one.
Page 133.
F:Writing skills.-Story Plot.
Please read the information in the purple box before your child completes a story plot ,on chart.
G:writing genre-writing a fantasy story.
Your child can write the fantasy story that he/she planned in unit 11a.Please draw a picture to go with your fantasy story.
Read At Home-please continue this daily.
I hope you all had a lovely Easter.Don`t forget to play outside as much as possible.The weather is glorious at the moment.Please try to keep up the daily run a mile.I know some of you are cycling around your houses ,I can`t wait to see the increase in cyclists on our Greenway cycles.Keep up the great work and enthusiasm.Try to watch The School Hub on RTE everyday.It is a fantastic programme.I look forward to seeing each one of you soon.Take care!
Just a little simple art idea ,as you will have your Easter decorations down at this stage.
You could cut out heart shapes,all different sizes,decorate them with whatever you have in your house-maybe paint/markers/twistables and stick them on your window.
You could also make rainbow pictures for your window.Or a big rainbow picture with hearts and flags all around it.
You could make a few Irish flags ,using A4 pages and put them on sticks/rulers to decorate a window in your house.
If you put these up on your window,it is a way of saying hello to passer-bys!
3rd Class...20/04/20
3rd Class Literacy
Please access the book-Starlight,by logging on to Folensonline.You must register as a teacher.The roll number is code Prim20.
The children are doing -Combined Reading and Skills Book-Chapter 11a,page 122-127.The Dragon Of Duma.
Pages 122,123 and 124....please read these with your child a few times.Discuss any new words such as -mysterious,astonishment,ducked,monstrous,declared,peasant,spluttered and piercing scream.
Page 125....please help your child do the following.
A:Comprehension-Fact finding.
B:Comprehension-Read between the lines.
C:Vocabulary-choose the word or phrase that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.
Page 126....please do the following.
D:Vocabulary-choose the most suitable word to complete each sentence.
E:Grammer-Dictionary skills-your child will need help to complete this exercise.
Page 127-please complete by expaining what a simile is to your child.
Please help your child plan a fantasy story before he/she writes it down.
Children can continue with their Read At Home,as per usual.
Spellings for the week are the following-week 25.
If children have their spelling books at home,they should complete the exercises on week 25.
If your child doesn`t have the book at home,your child could write a sentence for each spelling.
3rd class Maths.
Children are working on Operation Maths-Pupils`Book for 3rd class,chapter 12,Decimals,pages 91-97.
Page 91-No 1-What fraction of each shape is yellow?
No 2-What fraction of each shape is white?Write each answer as a decimal and as a fraction.
No 3-Talk time-oral work.
Page 92....Work It Out,do no1,2 and3.
Show Decimal numbers
No1 Team Work.
Page 93.
No 2-Write these numbers in both decimal and fraction form.
No3-please show your child this with real money.
No4-using real money,make the following numbers.
Then record your answers in decimal and fraction form.
Page 94-Write the values shown in both decimal and fraction form.
No6-Which value is (a)the largest(b)the smallest?
Place Value In Decimals
Please go over the information that is in the yellow box with your child.
No1-What is the value of the underlined digits?
No2-Write these numbers in expanded form,using the branching strategy.
Page 95
Please do this with your child-use concrete materials to model these numbers,to help identify the greater number.
No3-Which is the greater value?
No 4-Put these in order ,starting with the smallest.
No5-Write the decimal number that is located at each letter.
Work it out-use the chart of heights to answer the questions.
Pages 96 and 97 involve problem solving using decimals,try your best to work the problems out.
Please continue ,as normal with doing work from Master Your Maths.
Please continue with revision of tables x9.
2nd Class...20/04/20
2nd Class Literacy
Children will be working from their Starlight Book-Combined Reading and Skillsbook this week.
Remember to access the website,go to
You must register as a teacher.Roll number use code Prim20.
Go to chapter 6a-Recipe for a Smoothie.Page 46.
Please read page 46,ask your child questions about the recipe,for example-do you like apples/bananas/yogurt?What is your favourite fruit/vegetable/meat/drink?Why is it important to eat fruit and vegetables everyday?Where does our fruit/vegetables/meat come from?
Look at the focus words at the bottom of the page.Write a sentence for each word.
Page 47.
A-Answer these questions,please encourage your child to write full sentences and use full stops and capital letters.
B-look and discuss each item,write down what each item is used for in the recipe.
C-Please put the words into pairs(opposites).
D-Choose the best word for each sentence.
Page 48.Please explain-They`re,thier and there to your child.Do A orally with your child ,then it can be done in writing.
Explain the words it`s and Its to your child ,as shown in the green box.Your child can complete B.
Please go over the recipe again and see can your child pick out the words-they`re,there,their,it`s and its.
Page 49.Plan a Procedure on how to make Rice Krispies-Please discuss orally with your child before writing it down.
Spellings for the week are the following,from week 25.
If you have the book,please continue ,as usual with the written exercises on week 25.If you don`t have the book home,please write a sentence for each spelling.
Please continue ,as normal with your work from Read At Home.
Maths-2nd Class.
This week children will do chapter 40 and 41 of Operation Maths 2nd class At School Book,pages 113-119.
Page 113
A-Please draw the road on a page and discuss with your child.
B-Discuss and talk about this stall ,answer questions about the items for sale.
Page 115 and 116
Page 116 A-your child could make the sums,for example 110red
Page 116
B-Draw the numbers using blue blocks for hundreds and green for tens.
Page 117
Write the blocks are hundreds and green are tens and yellow are units.
Page 117
B-write the numbers on the number line.
Do the sums in the blue box-greater/less than.
Page 118
A and B could be worked out mentally.
C-circle the digit that matches the word.
Page 119.
You could play this game with your child if you have a hundred square or if you could print the one in the book out.
Please continue as usual with your work in Master Your Maths.
Please continue learning your tables +4
1st Class 20/04/20
1st Class-Maths
This week the children will be working on Operation Maths-1st class-At School Book.
They will do pages 106-107.Shape and Space.
A lot of discussion is needed for shape and space.Ask your child to find different shapes in your house.For example,you could ask what shape is the door/table/football/jar of jam/tin of beans/packet of digestive biscuits etc.Ask you child can different items/shapes stack or roll.Ask your child how many faces has a particular shape.Ask your child how many corners/edges on a football/pringles container/tin of beans/a table.
Your child could make a shape picture and colour it in.
Tables this week-plus 4.
Please continue ,as usual,doing your Master Your Maths book.
1st Class-Literacy.
You need to log in to the folens website to access Starlight.
Go to as a teacher.Roll number,use code-Prim20.
This week your child will be doing chapter 5a ,When The Giant Comes To Tea,in Starlight-Combined Reading And Skills Book.
Please read the text on page 38 a few times with your child.
Please read the focus words on the bottom of page 38.Discuss them with your child and make sentences,orally using these words.
On page 39,when your child is answering the questions ,encourage him/her to use capital letters and full stops.
On page 39 B-please discuss orally before your child writes the sentences down.
On page 40,explain the words-there and they`re.Think of lots of examples where you would use these words.
On page 41,please discuss a cinquain with your child.Help your child write a cinquin about a teacher.Your child could also write a cinquain about hie/her time being off school.
Please continue with writing 5 sentences and a picture of your daily news.
Keep up the literacy games with your child-I spy.Hangman.What is the missing word?....remove a word from a group of flashcards.
Simple Art Ideas .
Cut out Easter egg oval shapes from card.Then use your pencil to make designs.Decorate your egg by painting with q-tips.Make lots of these and put on a string to make an Easter banner for your wall or simply make the words Happy Easter with your eggs and put your sign on the wall.
Design an Easter Hat.Colour/paint an A3 sheet of paper.Make a paper hat by rolling and sticking together your coloured/painted sheet of A3 paper (your hat will be long and pointy).Use strips of paper,paper flowers and paper Eastereggs to decorate your hat.Stick long strips of paper at the point.
Make an Easter card.You could send one to our friends in the Carlingford Nursing Home.They were delighted to receive your letters.
Make an Easter wreath.Cut out the inside of a paper plate.Paint the ring shape green.Do some leaf rubbings.Stick these onto your wreath.Draw some flowers,cut them out and stick onto your wreath.Put some decorated paper eggs onto your wreath.Maybe you have other things at home to add to your wreath like ribbons.
Parents,if you can log on to,there are lovely dot-to dot worksheets and Funky Easter bunny mindfulness pages to print.
When you get to the website,put the word Easter into the search box.
scroll down
3rd Class Literacy.
There is a lovely creative writing competition you can enter.The theme is Go Wild.For example,you could write about a jungle adventure or meeting and befriending a wild lion,or maybe you were visiting a zoo and while looking at the tigers,one of them asks for your help to escape.Let the theme spark your imagination and follow wherever it leads..See for more details.The closing date is 13th April 2020.
Pupils should continue working with-Read At Home.
Pupils should continue writing their daily diary.This event that we are all part of is living history.Our pupils are part of this .It will be talked about for generations to come.
When this is over,it would be lovely if your child could keep their diary safe.Help them create a tangible,primary source of their own history.
From the book you are reading ,find three proper nouns,three nouns,three adverbs,three adjectives and three pronouns .Make a sentence for each word .You will have written fifteen sentences by the end of the week.
3rd Class Maths.
Topic this week is Length.By the end of this chapter pupils should be able to measure length in metres.They should be able to decide which standard of measuring unit to use.They should be able to convert metres and centimetres to centimetres,convert cms to metres,convert cms to metres and centimetres.
A lot of practical and oral work required throughout this chapter.
Pupils can do pages84-90.
Pupils should continue with-Master Your Maths and tablesx8
2nd Class Maths.
Topics for this week are-Operations 5 and Money.Pupils can do pages 106-112 of their Operation Maths.There is quite a lot of work in these two chapters but a lot can be done orally.For page 107 work,please write the sums down on a page for your child.
Use real money ,if possible,to explain the value of our different coins and notes.
Pupils should continue with-Master Your Maths, and tables-revision of plus 3.
2nd Class Literacy.
Continue with -Read At Home.
I would like pupils to write a recount from a memory of an event or when they attempted something for the first time.Remind pupils that a recount opens up by saying who it is about,where and when it took place.It is always in the past tense.It concludes with the writer`s opinion of the event.Pupils could present their recount as a speech to their family.
Grammer-pick out five adjectives and five nouns from the book you are reading.Write a sentence for each word.10 sentences this week.
1st Class Maths
The topic this week is -Time.You can look at pages 102-105 of Operation Maths for the work on this chapter.
A paper clock ,made from a paper plate would be ideal to teach your child the time.Ask your child to show you 1/2/3/4/5 o`clock etc.Ask your child to show you an hour later than 2/3/4/5/7/8/o` clock etc.Ask your child to show you an hour earlier than 1/2/3/4/ o`clock etc.
Show your child 2 0 `clock.Ask your child to show you a half an hour earlier than that time.Do lots of examples like this .Then move on to half an hour less than the given time.
Parents,you will need a calendar to explain to your child how to read a given month on the calendar.For example,what month is this(show the calendar to your child ),how many Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays etc are in this month?What is the first day of the month?What is the last day of the month?What would the first day of the next month be?
On page 104,there is a blank calendar month.You simply show your child a month from your own calendar and ask your child the questions that are on page 104.
On page 105,there are addition and subtraction sums.Write these down on a page and help your child figure them out.
Pupils can continue their work on their Master Your Maths books.
Please do revision of plus three tables.
Literacy 1st Class.
Pupils can continue writing their daily diary/news.
Pupils should pick three words per day from the list below and write a sentence for each of the three words.They should draw a picture for each picture.They should have twelve sentences written by the end of the week.
egg,happy,sad,sweets,dinner,popcorn,cinema,teacher,big,school,friend and small.
Parents and Pupils,
The website,,an on line library,is very useful to keep children busy reading.It is free to register.I know lots of my class love reading about animals.The Natural Geographic books are available to read here.Pupils can also choose the read- to- me option if they wish.
3rd class pupils
There is a lovely art competition, some of you may wish to enter, which entails designing a cover for Gordon Snell`s book-The Supermarket Ghost-the first two chapters can be read from The O`Brien Press website.All details of the competition can be got from the website, date is 1st May 2020.
Stay safe and enjoy the beautiful weather.
19th March 2020.
I hope everyone is keeping safe and happy.
Just a reminder of some work parents can help their children with while learning from home.
1st,2nd and 3rd class pupils can write their daily diary.1st class can write basic sentences like-Today is Thursday.It is spring.It is March.It is a beautiful day.I am working hard at home.I went for a walk.I watched a film.
2nd and 3rd class pupils can write the above sentences, but they must add their own personal news.All children can draw a picture to go with their piece of writing.
2nd and 3rd class pupils can continue with their Read At Home books.Do one story/comprehension per day.
If you have storybooks at home,please read them with your children.
Continue with learning tables-3rd class,concentrate on x6 this week and next week x7.
1st and 2nd class pupils-revision of tables plus1 and then plus 2 next week.
Master Your Maths-
All pupils continue where you left off .
Operation Maths-
All of the Operation Books are now available to view online.The website is, username is,primaryedcobooks,the password is edco2020.
The teacher`s resource book is available on line and this will give you instructions on how to teach the mathematical concepts.
1st class-for this week and next week,please concentrate on covering the topic -Fractions.It is a great topic to cover at home as it needs lots of practical activities-sharing food,cutting food up in fractions.There are lots of activities in the Teacher`s Resource Book online.Pupils can cover the pages 95-100 in their pupil book.
Please keep up the mental math`s work everyday-addition of doubles,near doubles,what is the half of 4,6,8,16 etc.Add 10 to 5,add 10 to6.What is the number before 19,21,66,....on the 100 square.Tell me a number that is less than 17.A number that is less than 37 etc.
3rd class-for this week and next week the topic is -Fractions.We have started this topic but you better start from the beginning of the chapter.Please see pages 101-109 of Teacher`s Resource Book on how to teach the mathematical concepts.Pupils can cover pages 71-81 of the Pupil Book and the pages 82-83 on revision.
Please keep up learning your tables.
2nd class-topic for this week and next week is -Angles.Page 102 and 103.Pupils need to be able to recognise a square angle (right angle),and relate it to everyday environment.For example,corners of books,doors etc.-Please do lots of practical activities making angles with lolipop sticks,straws,pens,pencils.Draw these angles.Ask-is it smaller/greater than a right angle?Then look at angles when telling the time-if the angle makes a square corner it is a quarter to 12.Look at other angles on the clock.
The second page requires children to plot on a grid and perform turns left and right.Then making a quarter turn etc.Lots of discussion neede on this topic.
Would be a great idea to make a clock with a paper plate.
Keep up the mental mathematics by playing Buzz and Shoot The Sheriff.
To all pupils......
Don`t forget the following websites....
The school hub,here you will get access to the game-The Great Tables Challenge.No need to register,it`s a sample activity.
Go Noodle-for dancing and singing
Cosmic kids-yoga and meditation
Twinkl-free to register
Oxfordowl-for literacy activities.
I hope you all are keeping well and happy.Don`t forget to keep up the mile a day.You could even do ,two mile a day-if the weather is nice.See you all soon and stay safe everyone!
P.E. Lessons
Parents-please check out -you tube-The Body Coach T.V.
P.E. with Joe, starting Monday at 9am for 30minutes eacH LESSON.
I hope everyone is keeping well and safe.We are very lucky to have such beautiful weather,I hope you are out enjoying it.Don`t forget to keep up your run/walk a mile daily.For those of you who participated in this morning`s P.E. lesson,I hope you thoroughly enjoyed it.
Parents,please encouage your child to write a letter to the residents of The Carlingford Nursing Home,this week or next.They could address their letters by writing,Dear Friends....They could write about themselves,describing their family,friends,favourite film and books.They could ask their friends to pray for someone who has died or is sick.The letter could include a picture of the pupil`s house or family or friend.
1st Class
Please continue writing your daily diary.
Pick a letter each day,starting with A,think of six words beginning with that letter and write a sentence for each word.You will write six sentences per day.
For oral language,please log on to starlight,click resources,you will see the language posters we do in class.With these posters,there are lesson plans.Each poster covers a two week period ,doing two lessons a week.1st class are working on the poster -The Sun.
1st class
Continue your work in -Master Your Maths.
Continue your tables-plus 2.
Continue your work in-Operation Maths.Remember log into
Username-primaryedcobooks and Password-edco2020.Please complete the chapter on fractions pages 95-100.
2nd class
Continue your work in-Read At Home.
Continue writing your daily Diary/News.
Please identify three verbs,three adjectives and three nouns from your book or Read At Home and write a sentence for each one,(nine sentences per day).
2nd class
Continue working on your-Master Your Maths.
Continue learning your tables-plus two.
Continue your work on -Operation Maths pages 104 and 105.
Parents ,try to do lots of discussion on these two pages.A lot of topics are covered here.Please do some rounding mentally with your child,for exampleround 56/67/45/25 etc to the nearest 10.
Round 123 /145/166/189 etc to the nearest 100.
Another activity your child could do is draw a 100 square,fill it in..Colour and count in 5`s,draw another one ,colour and count in 3`s.The children know these sequences from our daily game of buzz.
Another activity using a 100 square-ask your child to pick out twao numbers between 1 and 50,your child has to add the smaller number to the bigger number..Repeat several times.The revision also has a 2D and 3D section.Ask your child to identify these shapes in their own home,example , a tin of beans is the shape of a cylinder.Identify what shapes will/will not roll/stack.
Pupils will need a ruler to complete page 105.Please ensure pupils use the ruler accurately.
3rd class
Continue with writing your daily news/diary.
Continue your work in-Read At Home.
Written exercise to do each day from Tuesday-identify five adjectives,five verbs and five nouns in your book or Read At Home.Use each of these words in a sentence(15 sentences).
Pick your favourite story/book.Write a book/story review.Write a summary of the plot,describe the characters,write your favourite part of the story was.Draw a picture of your favourite story.
3rd class
Continue your work on -Master Your Maths.
Continue your work on tables-x7
Continue your work on -Operation Maths
You should continue working on the topic of Fractions which you started last week.Try to do the exercises on Page 71-78 and the revision work Pages 81-83.
I hope everyone gets lots and lots of time to play outdoors .Keep safe and well ,everyone.Hopefully,see you soon